Hi. If you are interested to discuss or learn more about my online Life Coaching and “The Journey” Therapy and Rebirthing Breathwork please contact me through the contact me page or call me and leave a message on my phone number you can find on the contact me page as well. These are the same therapies as in the live in retreat programs offered here, just online.
Alternatively if you are have already decided to book your Package . Click here please.
1. Basic Package: Clarity Breathwork Journey
– 5 Rebirthing Breathwork Sessions, 1 1/2 – 2 hours per Session
– Pricing:
– Full Package: US$ 400
– Single extra Session: US$ 80
2. Standard Package: Empowerment & Education Program
– 5 Rebirthing Breathwork Sessions, 1 1/2 – 2 hours per Session
– 5 Life Coaching Sessions, 2 – 3 hours per Session
– Pricing:
– Full Package: US$ 900
– Single extra Breathwork Session: US$ 80
– Single extra Life Coaching Session: US$ 100
3. Premium Package: Ultimate Transformation Experience
– 5 Rebirthing Breathwork Sessions, 1 1/2 – 2 hours per Session
– 5 Life Coaching Sessions, 2 – 3 hours per Session
– 1 “The Journey” Session, 2 – 3 hours per Session
– Pricing:
– Full Package: US$ 1050
The currency here is in US $ to match the booking platform setting at the green link above.
I offer the following NZ Health Retreats…….
Depression Health Retreats
Options of 7, 10, 14 or 21 day programmes with follow up where I work with my guest to find what may be present in their belief system that could have led to depression, educate them in how they may make changes to their thinking and belief systems to help overcome depression and psychological stress with a range of supportive treatments and therapies. More…
Anxiety Health Retreats
Options of 7, 10, 14 or 21 day programmes with follow up where I work with my guest to find out what may be present in their thinking and belief systems that may have led to anxiety, educate them in how they can make changes in their thinking and belief systems to help overcome anxiety and psychological stress with a range of supportive treatments and therapies. More…
Stress Relief Retreats
Options of a 7, 10 or 14 day programme with follow up. Find out how we relate to psychological stress when we experience it? How do we come through it? How can we neutralise it and learn and grow from it? How can we once again hold an appreciation for life and the events that we encounter along the way? More…
Raw Food and Juicing Health Retreats
Options of a 7, 10 or 14 day programme with follow up. While this retreat embraces a supportive diet using a whole foods plant based diet that may help to build the foundations of a healthier lifestyle, I also give the opportunity for guests to explore their belief systems. More…
Detox Health Retreats
A 14 day detox programme using a herbal detox preparation and a range of treatments and therapies to support a thorough Body and Mind detox. This retreat is for people of at least average health. More…
Addiction Health Retreats
Options of 7, 10, 14 or 21 day programmes with follow up where I work with my guest to find out what may be present in their thinking and belief systems that may have led to problems with addiction, educate them in how they can make changes in their thinking and belief systems to help overcome these life patterns with a range of supportive treatments and therapies. More…
Time Out Health Retreats
Please contact me if you would like to attend a more relaxed time out type of retreat. I may then tailor a retreat for you which would include massage and breath work sessions (only one session a day to allow plenty of relaxation time). This would be suitable for people who are quite well and just need a good rest without looking into deeper psychological issues. The duration for Time Out retreats may be between 3 to 7 days in duration.
My Depression, Anxiety, Addiction and Stress Relief Health Retreats have the one major goal of educating you in what causes psychological stress and how it may be neutralised, and providing you with resources that can upgrade your belief systems to ones that support you and your life. The programmes in these health retreats also may be applied to people with past or present trauma, sexual or physical abuse, illness, etc ……. Sometimes it is appropriate to combine these retreats with the detox programme depending upon your current circumstances and health.
NZ Health Retreat Guidelines
Mobile phones are not to be used while on retreat. I can receive urgent or important messages on your behalf. If you do bring a mobile phone, i-pad or computer, I will look after it for you and return it before you leave). An exception for any urgent or important matters can be made and time set aside for that purpose.
Leaving the premises is to be arranged with me.
Respectful communication. The aim is to communicate as honestly and openly about anything that helps me to help you.
There will be no access to watching television or listening to radio during your visit, however I do make selected DVD’s available for your viewing.
Things not to bring or purchase during your visit:
- Cigarettes – this could be an opportunity (if you are a smoker) to give them up. If you cannot possibly go without them you may smoke cigarettes outdoors as infrequently as possible.
- Non-prescription drugs and/or alcohol
- I-pods
- Magazines and books (unless relevant and supportive of your retreat). Please ask me if you are unsure.
- Preferably, no mobile phones, i-pads or computers.
I am a compassionate man and easy to get along with. I do recognise that changing your present lifestyle can be difficult and you may encounter some feelings of withdrawal from substances, people or routines. I am here to support you so you can dedicate the time you spend with me entirely to your retreat programme and your goals.