Hi. If you are interested to discuss or learn more about my online Life Coaching and “The Journey” Therapy and Rebirthing Breathwork please contact me through the contact me page or call me and leave a message on my phone number you can find on the contact me page as well. These are the same therapies as in the live in retreat programs offered here, just online.
Alternatively if you are have already decided to book your Package . Click here please.
1. Basic Package: Clarity Breathwork Journey
– 5 Rebirthing Breathwork Sessions, 1 1/2 – 2 hours per Session
– Pricing:
– Full Package: US$ 400
– Single extra Session: US$ 80
2. Standard Package: Empowerment & Education Program
– 5 Rebirthing Breathwork Sessions, 1 1/2 – 2 hours per Session
– 5 Life Coaching Sessions, 2 – 3 hours per Session
– Pricing:
– Full Package: US$ 900
– Single extra Breathwork Session: US$ 80
– Single extra Life Coaching Session: US$ 100
3. Premium Package: Ultimate Transformation Experience
– 5 Rebirthing Breathwork Sessions, 1 1/2 – 2 hours per Session
– 5 Life Coaching Sessions, 2 – 3 hours per Session
– 1 “The Journey” Session, 2 – 3 hours per Session
– Pricing:
– Full Package: US$ 1050
The currency here is in US $ to match the booking platform setting at the green link above.
Here is the link below to an interview in which I was asked to explain the Breathwork I teach more in details and why and how.
The Art and Science of Breathing and Appreciating Your Life!
What is Transforming Breathwork?
Transforming Breathwork is a powerful process of personal development which utilises the breath as a tool for healing. Once learnt it can release physiological and psychological stress and transform life diminishing belief systems into life affirming ones. It can heal trauma held in the body or mind with a conscious connected breathing technique.
Once learned, it is a natural way to continually integrate all life events and the perceptions related to them. This means no longer being subject to the long-term suppression or build up of stress, tension and pain.
Transforming Breathwork teaches awareness and self observation, to be able to allow our feelings as they are to the point that we are thankful for them coming up so that we can come through them and go beyond them back to freedom. It brings back the ability to trust the process of life and to know that life is always working in our favour, even if it does not seem like it in the midst of the events that are happening around us at the time.
Breathing this way enables you to relax, experience peace and appreciation, freedom, and fill your body with fresh Life Energy every day.
I have been searching maybe 10 years for my own spiritual thing, but now I have found the one. I just didn’t know that I carried all of my life the knowledge and tools for total relaxation and enlightenment. Amazing! For me the most amazing insight was how one session can change your whole outlook on life. Now I don’t fear to face all difficult situations in life. I just live and breathe them through.
I have eight years experience of different kinds of psychotherapy, and sometimes it was hard to evaluate if everything was worth all the money and effort because I couldn’t see any kind of concrete results. With breathing sessions you can see results immediately after a few sessions. You learn to do it by yourself.
Breathing sessions are also a wonderful way to feel intimate moments in a relationship. There are so many things that I would like to live through again in a different way. Breathing sessions offer possibilities to do so. I really feel that I have rebirthed. I just can’t say enough thanks. You helped me to find new life.
Kari, Psychologist and Teacher, Finland
Some immediate benefits for you can be:
- Just having more freedom, fun and simply a more enjoyable experience of living.
- Stress level reduction and deep relaxation
- Better health, more youthful vitality and energy
- Emotional stability
- Increased mental, perceptive and creative ability
- Improved personal relationships
- Appreciation and peace, compassion and lasting happiness
- Expanding self awareness, leading to greater self appreciation
- Induces personal growth and development
- Enhances the awareness of personal growth
Why Some Breathing Problems are Common
Most people tend to under breathe due to incorrect beliefs and fears that develop out of the interpretation of past experiences and when held back by under breathing cause pain and dis-ease in the mind and body. These supressing beliefs also relate directly to the responses, reactions, defences and decisions we make in our lives. Some people hyperventilate which means they take in too much air that is not used by the body effectively, and is often associated with a belief system that causes anxiety and beliefs that they could miss out on life experiences that are valued by them. Therefore, they try to prevent anything from interfering with their goal of having these life experiences.
Transforming Your Beliefs With Breathwork
Transforming beliefs with Breathwork brings health and appreciation into your life, and one of the greatest benefits of this kind of breathing is that once you learn how to do it you have a valuable skill that enables you to use it for the rest of your life.
As the breathing mechanism is designed to eliminate a high volume of the body’s wastes, it is important to breathe fully in order to take optimum advantage of this natural cleansing process.
Receiving Breathing sessions is a valuable gift you can give yourself, your friends and family for emotional and physical health. Breathing is the secret to the life and health in the body and mind. Breathing sessions are for anyone who ever has tension, stress, or pain.
Transforming Breathwork is about surrendering to, honouring and allowing the healing force of your own aliveness, the wisdom and guidance of your own body. It is a way back to reviving who you are and how you see yourself, and to do so with a maximum of ease and pleasure and a minimum of struggle and resistance.
What is involved in a breathing session …
A breathing session is generally two to three hours long. Some time is spent discussing what is going on in your life and any concerns.
I offer guidance on how to connect your breath in order to release stress, tension or pain, how to remember, release and heal life-diminishing decisions you made from the beginning of your life until now.
I will be with you all of the time, listening … assisting you to connect your breath … supporting you to move gently through any resistance that arises.
Sometimes, affirmations appropriate to your current situation are spoken in order to support you to feel, express, release and heal long-buried emotion, sometimes laughter … sometimes tears. I encourage you to keep breathing until your breathing builds into a rhythm that is nurturing and relaxing, insightful and reviving.
The goal is to successfully integrate conscious, life-enhancing ways of thinking, breathing and being.
In the moment that a life-diminishing belief is changed or transformed to a life-enhancing belief, true healing begins.
What you have learned then is the Art and Science of Breathing and appreciating your life.